Friday March 17, 2006 - South Congress, Austin, Texas - South By Southwest
SXSW 2006
The Entrance
The Dazzling Pete Gray, Chauffeur
Elvis in the House
The Band - The Allen Oldies Band
Teen Idol
Dancing Sisters
Mojo, Skipper, Pete
Tricia, Skipper, Lenecia, Mojo
Mary Ellen
Kinky for Governor
Andre and Jonas
Andre and Tricia
South By South Congress
Valerie, David
Brass Band
The Yard Dog
Bobnoxious and Free Beer
Yard Dog: Bill, Valerie, Lance
Valerie, Lance, Bill F, X, Bret, Don
Bret in his natural environment
Bill F's Moment of Zen
Yard Dog Detritus
Yard Dog Urinal